Page Specific Javascript - Ruby on Rails

Recently, while building a Ruby on Rails fin-tech application, I needed to include a couple javascript (JS) files on specific views (and not on all views, which is the default).

This article explains how to include a javascript (JS) file on a specific view in Ruby on Rails.

NOTE: This article was created using Rails 5.1.

Step 1: Create your JS file

I called my file example.js and included the following content:

console.log('Hello world!');

Step 2: Precompile your JS file

You can do this by placing the following line in the /config/initializers/assets.rb file (I added mine to the bottom of the file)

Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(example.js)

Step 3: Stub your JS file

You can do this by placing the following line in the /app/assets/javascripts/application.js file (I added mine below //= require_tree .)

//= stub 'example'

Step 4: Include your JS file on a specific view

You can do this by placing the following line into the bottom of your view.

<%= javascript_include_tag 'example' %>

Step 5: Restart your rails server and reload the page!

And that's it! Now you're cookin'!

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